
History of ACCU

202150th anniversary of ACCU
2020New website (Japanese) released.
2019New pamphlet published.
Agreement with UNESCO Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) concluded.
2018MEXT International Exchange Programme for Primary and Secondary Teachers launched.
ACCU moves to Kandajinbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
2015Activities as a UNESCO GAP partner started.
2012High School Model UN programme launched.
2010Tokyo office reorganised into three divisions (General Affairs, International Exchange, Education Cooperation) under two departments (General Affairs and Programme).
2008UNESCO Associated School support programme launched.
2005Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programme launched.
2003Protection of Intellectual Property programme launched.
2002Tokyo office reorganised into two departments (General Affairs and Programme) and four divisions (General Affairs, Planning, Culture, Education).
ACCU Invitation Programme for International Education Exchange of Teachers and Professionals launched.
United Nations University (UNU) International Education Exchange Programme launched.
2001Ceremony to celebrate ACCU’s 30th anniversary held.
2000Planning Section established in General Affairs Division.
International Exchange Programme for Promotion of International Cooperation and Mutual Understanding launched.
Training Courses on Cultural Heritage Protection launched.
1999Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office (Nara) opened.
1998Data Bank on Traditional/Folk Performing Arts in Asia and the Pacific launched.
1997ACCU programmes expanded to Central Asia.
Package Learning Materials for Environment (PLANET) launched.
1996Capacity Building Workshop of LRCs launched.
1995Literacy Promotion Division established within the Book Development Department.
ACCU World Photo Contest held.
1994Literacy Resource Centre for Girls and Women (LRC) programme launched.
1993UNESCO/ACCU World Photo Contest held at UNESCO Headquarters.
Mobile Teams of Experts for the Documentation and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage programme launched.
1992Cooperation in UNESCO APPREB Network Activities started.
1991Ceremony to commemorate ACCU’s 20th anniversary held.
Animation Co-production Programme launched.
1990Campaign for Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Mankind Located in the Region started.
Sub-Regional Workshop on the Development of Basic Literacy Learning Materials launched.
1989International Literacy Year Picture Book published.
1988Noma International Literacy Fund established.
1987ACCU Exhibition organised by UNESCO at UNESCO general conference in Paris.
Dissemination Scheme of Local Versions of AJP Materials started.
1986ACCU Literacy Prizes for Fully Illustrated Literacy Follow-up Materials established.
1985Programme of Sending of an International Experts Team to National Literacy Workshops in the Member States started.
1983Regional Workshop for Literacy/NFE Personnel in Rural Areas in Asia and the Pacific launched.
1981Ceremony to commemorate ACCU’s 10th anniversary held.
Asian/Pacific Joint Production Programme of Materials for Neo-literates in Rural Areas (AJP) launched.
1979ACCU programmes expanded to the Pacific region.
1978Library established.
Regional Training Seminars for Cultural Personnel started.
Noma Concours for Picture Book Illustrations started.
1977Co-production of Audio-Visual Materials (AVCP) launched.
1976Photo Contest and Travelling Exhibitions launched.
Group Visits by Japanese UNESCO leaders launched.
1975Photo Travelling Exhibition in Asia project started.
1974Music Materials Co-production Programme (MCP) launched.
1973Mobile Teams of Experts for Book Production Training Courses launched.
19721st Experts Meeting on Regional Co-operation in UNESCO Cultural Activities held.
Periodicals published in English and Japanese.
Asian/Pacific Copublication Programme (ACP) launched.
1971ACCU established on 26 April.
Publicity Programme for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage launched.

Prizes and Honours

2007Japan Book Publishers Association President’s Prize
2002UNESCO International Literacy Prize
1997Letter of appreciation from National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan
1996UNESCO 50th Anniversary Commendation by the Minister of Education
Translation Publishing Award
1993UNESCO Picasso Medal
Jan Amos Comenius Medal
1989International Book Prize
1984Foreign Minister’s Commendation
1983World Communications Year Commemorative Award
Japan Foundation Special Prize
1982Translation Publishing Award
1979International Children’s Year Commemorative Andersen Prize
1973Translation Publishing Award
1972Commendation by the Minister of Education