DVD (37言語収録版、平成19/2007)
ビデオ 日本語版:(日・英、平成4/1992)
英語版: Mina Smiles (平成4/1992)
ミナの防災村づくり(PLANET 4)
【環境アニメーションシリーズ PLANET】
仕様:DVD ミナの防災村づくり(英語オリジナル版同時収録)
DVD (日・英同時収録、平成20/2008)
ビデオ 日本語版:(日・英2ヶ国語版、平成20/2008)
ミナの村のごみ騒動(PLANET 3)
【環境アニメーションシリーズ PLANET】
DVD (日・英同時収録、平成18/2006)
ビデオ 日本語版:(日・英2ヶ国語版、平成18/2006)
英語版: Mina’s Village Says YES! to Waste Management (ポスター・小冊子付、平成16/2004)
ミナの村では、 子供たちにかわいがられていた子山羊が捨てられていたビニールを食べて死んでしまいます。 子供たちも不衛生なゴミ処理の影響で病気にかかり、村の人たちはゴミについて考え始め、 行動をおこします。アジア太平洋地域に暮らす人々が環境に対する意識を高めることを目的 として制作されたアニメーションビデオ教材の3作目です。
This is the PLANET 3, a multi-media package to raise awareness as to the importance of proper waste management for a better environment and sustainable development. Mina’s family has a baby goat, but it dies from eating a plastic bag left in the paddy field. Some children are absent from school due to health problems caused by waste. So, the villagers have a meeting to discuss what they can do to improve waste management.
ミナの村と森(PLANET 2)
【環境アニメーションシリーズ PLANET】
仕様:DVD18分/日本語(英語オリジナル版同時収録) 日本語・英語シナリオ入りガイドブック付
DVD (日・英同時収録、平成20/2008)
ビデオ 日本語版:(日・英同時収録、平成12/2000)
英語版: Mina’s Village and the Forest (ポスター・小冊子付、平成12/2000)
While Mina’s family is in the forest, fire breaks out. They decide to take care of Lolo, the baby monkey, who lost his home and family due to the forest fire. An environmentalist visits Mina’s village and invites the villagers to the field to talk about the forest. Having realized the importance of the forest, Mina and the villagers decide to plant trees in the burned field.This is the PLANET 2, a multi-media package to raise awareness toward forest conservation.
ミナの村と川(PLANET 1)
【環境アニメーションシリーズ PLANET】
DVD (日・英同時収録、平成20/2008)
ビデオ 日本語版:(日・英2ヶ国語版、平成10/1998)※モノラルのビデオデッキでの再生不可
英語版: Mina’s Village and the River (ポスター・小冊子付、平成10/1998)
Mina’s village life seems peaceful as ever, yet some changes in their environment begin to affect their daily life. One evening, Mina’s family get food poisoning from eating polluted river fish. Later that evening, a heavy rainstorm hits the village, and water from the polluted river flows into the well. Having taken medicine with unboiled well water, the family’s health condition worsens. Mina, having learnt the causes of her family’s illness, decides to improve the village environment. This is the PLANET 1, a multi-media package to raise awareness toward water conservation.
アジアの農村に住む女性「ミナ」。彼女は、字の読み書きが出来ないために、農作物の値段をごまかされたり、病気の夫に間違えて農薬を飲ませてしまいそうになったりと失敗ばかりしています。そんな中で、彼女はついに文字を習う決意をします。アジア太平洋地域に暮らす非識字者が置かれている状況や識字教育の重要性を、ストーリー仕立てで分かり易く表現しています。英語版「Mina Smiles」もあります。
Since the production of its original English version in 1993, ACCU’s Literacy Promotion Animation – “Mina Smiles” has been produced in 39 local languages in 30 countries. This DVD incorporates 37 language tracks covering the languages of Asia, Africa, Arab States and Latin America. A guidebook with lesson plans is included in each package.
In a village in Asia, there is a family with five children. Mina and her husband, Jai who never learnt to read and write, work in the field. One day, Jai suddenly falls ill from stomach cramps. Mina urgently looks for medicine, but she can’t find the right container among so many different kinds. Mina decides to go to the clinic in town with the empty bottle. When she reaches the clinic, the doctor is surprised by the bottle she has brought. The bottle is not for medicine, but for pesticide! When she returns home Mina tells Jai what happened in town. And she tells him frankly that she wants to attend literacy class. The story tells you what problems illiterates in Asia and the Pacific are facing and shows the importance of literacy.